A convenient, but not complete, reference for JSPs

Other References


Include directive http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/tags/11/syntaxref11.fm6.html

 <%@ include file="filename.jspf" %>

includes jsp fragment textually at translation (to servlet) time.

Include action http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/tags/11/syntaxref11.fm11.html

 <jsp:include page="page.jsp" flush="true" />

dynamically includes at runtime.

JSTL import http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jstl/1.1/docs/tlddocs/c/import.html

 <c:import url="./copyright.html"/>
 <c:import url="http://www.somewhere.com/hello.xml"/>

dynamically includes from anywhere at runtime.

Writing a value

Expressions http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/tags/11/syntaxref11.fm4.html

 <%= stringBean %>
 <%= objectBean.someMethod() %>

Jakarta struts bean tag http://struts.apache.org/struts-taglib/tagreference-struts-bean.html

 <bean:write name="someBean" property="propertyName" />     <!-- write the property itself -->

 <bean:message name="someBean" property="propertyName" />   <!-- write the value from the  -->
                                                            <!-- message bundle, using the -->
                                                            <!-- property as the key       -->


iDIAcomputing: JspCheatSheet (last edited 2009-07-27 18:26:28 by localhost)