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 * M Easter's [http://codetojoy.blogspot.com/2007/02/im-believer.html Dining at the TDD Buffet] blog entry.
 * Ed Gibb's [http://edgibbs.com/2007/05/05/test-driven-development-applied/ review] of Lasse Koskela's book, Test Driven: TDD and Acceptance TDD for Java Developers (ISBN:1932394850)

There's lots and lots of information on Test Driven Development (TDD) on the web. Much of it is very useful, but many people still don't get the primary point.

  • Test Driven Development is a design technique, not a testing technique.

Sure, you end up with a UnitTest suite that can be very useful for testing and provide a framework for adding tests. This is a wonderful benefit of TDD, but it's not what TTD is.



iDIAcomputing: TestDrivenDevelopment (last edited 2014-04-25 01:38:28 by GeorgeDinwiddie)